An athlete goes through a regular workout, diet, training, sleep, but to be a great athlete, you need to add one more habit to your routine - start drinking alkaline water. Here is why!
Maximizes Performance
Alkaline green powder has many essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, which push out unnecessary waste and toxins from the body, resulting in increased stamina and performance.
Better Overall Health
Many sports enthusiasts are using alkaline water instead of regular water, as it has minerals, and other beneficial and legal substances, which improve performance, stamina, and immune system.
Balances the pH Level
Heavy muscle workout produces acids and CO2 in the body, which reduces pH balance. Alkaline water with pH 8.5 9.5 can balance pH level and neutralize body.
Better Mental Alertness
Alkaline water has hydroxyl ions (OH-) that promote mental alertness and energizes the body. It helps you maintain more sustainable energy levels over time.
Helps an Athlete’s Diet
It assists with weight regulation. Choosing Alkaline water can help you hydrate the body and flush out waste and toxins from it, resulting in better digestion.
Not just athletes, but everyone should be drinking alkaline water, as it has lots of health benefits. The regular use can increase performance health, diet, recovery time, and energy of our body.