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Jon Jones blasts Dominick Reyes

Dominick Reyes came under fire from the light heavy weight champion Jon Jones for him saying he hasn't fought an athlete during his career.
Jon Jones replied on Twitter saying "This is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while".

Reyes earlier said, “I was speaking on being a traditional athlete: baseball, football, basketball, track and field".

Jon Jones blasts Dominick Reyes

Dominick Reyes questioned Jon Jones' athletic level. Jon Jones tweeted: "Probably the dumbest thing I've heard in a while".
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Jon Jones carried on mentioning his previous opponents " Daniel Cormier competed in the NCAA and the Olympics , OSP played Division I football, Bader The current double champ Bellator, but none of them are athletes, I guess" Jones said.
Reyes addressed his remarks:
"I was talking on being a typical athlete: baseball, football, basketball, track and field. Those sports activities are specific than being a martial artist,” he said. “They require an exclusive amount of athleticism and focus. If you don’t apprehend it, then you don’t understand it."