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Importance of Sports

Aastha Dogra
Sports is undoubtedly an activity that is fun to do, but it has many other positive effects on a person's life as well. Here we talk about some of the benefits of being involved in sports.

Fun Fact!!

Declared the most difficult sport in the world by ESPN in 2004, boxing, as a sport, was an illegal event before 1901.

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With the pace of life becoming ever-more rapid, people are constantly on the look-out for an outlet to divert their minds from the daily mundane tasks of life. Sports has emerged as a favorite. The reason it tops the list for many is because of the plethora of benefits it has to offer.
The importance of sports in education can be gaged by the way it helps in inculcating values such as dedication, discipline and responsibility in children and adults alike.
At the same time teaching them many relevant lessons. The following are some of sports' life changing attributes.

Benefits of Sports in Daily Life

Unless one is only an avid fan of a game like curling (no disrespect of course!!), sports and exercise go hand-in-hand. Many sports require the person playing them to have a good amount of athleticism. Hence, people indulging in sports gradually become fitter.
While this can be achieved by dieting and hitting the gym too, sports makes this process fun, as the person involved in a sport is so busy enjoying himself or herself that he or she loses track of time.
Stress Buster
A healthy mind in a healthy body might be a clichéd adage, but it is so because it is true. It is no surprise that since most sports usually involve exercise, it facilitates soothing of the mind as the feel-good-hormones of the body, called endorphins, are released. They are nature's stress busters and induce a relaxing feeling.
Learning a Skill
Getting better at a sport is a skill that may not have a monetary relation to your life, but it can definitely have an impact on the quality of your life. People respect those who show excellence in any field, and sports is no exception. If this is turned into an expertise, then it can even lead to avenues for developing a career.
Many sports like American football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc., are played in teams. This inculcates values & skills like leadership, communication, and sacrifice. Not only does this benefit the person in developing a better game, but it actually helps in all walks of life, as these values and traits are indispensable if one is to lead a good life.
Unless you're talking about playing chess against a computer, almost every sport out there involves interaction with other people, whether they be on our side or our opponents.
Hence, sports serve as an avenue for meeting new people and making friends, as people of similar likes and dislikes come together to achieve a common goal. This can enhance the social life of a person.
Character Building
All sports have an outcome. One entity wins, and the other loses. Winning and losing is a part of life. Sports inculcates this lesson in people. Some people glide along as long as there are no hardships in life, but the moment the odds are against them, they find their emotional strength dwindling.
This is not to say sports is a one-stop solution for this, but it definitely teaches a person how to take losses with grace and move on to achieve greater things in the face of difficulties.
Constructive Use of Time
Children and adolescents ooze with physical energy. When they are involved in sports, their physical energies are used up in a constructive way. Teenage is such an impressionable age, if adolescents are given free time they might get involved in wrong activities, may fall in bad company, or may also display anti-social behavior.
Thus, the importance of sports in society is that it keeps adolescents from becoming anti-social, and not disturbing the delicate fabric of society.
Regularly indulging in sports helps in keeping the immune system strong, and hence, helps in preventing any kind of disease from occurring. It also increases the appetite of the person. Thus, sports promote good health.
In sports, a person has to make quick decisions depending upon the situation that he is in. Thus, a person who is involved in sports is able to make wise and quick decisions in other areas of life as well.
When something is improving your health, making you physically fitter, earning you respect among people and generally making you feel better about yourself, it is safe to say that such a thing does a whole world of good to your self-confidence. And sports definitely fulfills this criterion.
So if you haven't ventured into the world of sports, do not while away your time in doubt. Sports is one of the few things out there that does not have any drawbacks. With sports, it is never too late.