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How to Correctly Grip a Squash Racquet

Gauri Huddar
This post will help you understand the correct method of gripping a squash racquet, to help you get the power, angle, and variations in your shots. Keep reading...
Mastering a sport, while definitely requiring practice, also requires the player to start off with the correct techniques of playing the sport. If you pick up wrong techniques and continue with them, your game can suffer, and it will take a lot of effort on your part to correct these techniques later on.
Once you have familiarized yourself with the basic rules of squash, you can move on to choosing the right racquet and grip, the right shoes, and so on... The correct grip can add that power, zing, spin, accuracy, and variation in your shots, giving you an advantage in your game.
The term 'grip' can mean two things. One refers to the way you hold the racquet, while the other refers to the padding on the handle, which is fitted on it to make the handle fit properly in your palm.
Both are important when it comes to squash. The correct size of the grip will make the racquet fit more snugly in your palm, and give you a better hold on the racquet.

Steps to Grip a Squash Racquet

We'll see the method of obtaining the right grip, and also how to get the right grip size to suit your hand.
Step 1: Hold out your palm like you would when giving a handshake. Place the racquet handle on your palm, parallel to your outstretched thumb.
Step 2: Curl your fingers around the handle of the racquet. Spread your fingers a little to get a good grip.
Step 3: Extend your thumb and index finger a little more towards the head of the racquet, so that they form a 'V' shape.
Step 4: The part of the 'V' formed by your thumb, should be parallel to the handle of the squash racquet. The index-finger should be diagonal to the handle.
The most important point to remember is, you should keep your wrist flexible when hitting shots.
If you keep your wrist too stiff, then you may unnecessarily build tension in your forearms, and your arms will tire easily and quickly.
There are many variations in the type of grip that you can use. The main factor to keep in mind when you choose a grip for yourself, is the comfort level you feel when you are stroking the ball. Some variations used in grips are:
● Eastern Forehand/ Backhand Grip
● Continental Grip
● Western Grip
● Semi-Western Grip

Confirming Your Grip

Hold the racquet tight enough, so that any side-to-side movement of the racquet in your hand, will be prevented by your palm and your firm grip. Holding the handle at the bottom is better to prevent the sideways motion of the racquet. Follow the two steps given below, to ensure that you have understood the correct method of gripping the handle:
Step 1: Apply pressure on the head of the racquet, in a direction perpendicular to the face of your palm, mimicking an oncoming ball hitting your racquet. If you can resist this pressure with your index finger, then your grip is correct.
Step 2: Now apply pressure from the other side. Like when the ball will hit the racquet when you are hitting a backhand shot. If you are able to balance the pressure with your thumb without having to keep your wrist stiff, then your grip is correct.

Tips on Gripping a Squash Racquet

Out of the many squash tips, here are a few concerning the grip of the racquet, that may help you out.
● Hold the racquet handle in the middle for obtaining a versatile grip.
● Holding the handle more towards the bottom, will allow you to reach the shots that would otherwise be just out of your reach. The ones that whiz past your racquet, even when your arms are stretched out. But the control of the shot is compromised slightly, when the grip is more towards the bottom.
● Gripping the handle higher up (i.e. towards the head of the racquet), will give you more control and make the racquet seem lighter in your hands, reducing your reaction time, so that you can play drop shots and volleys better. In this grip, the reach and leverage is compromised.
● You can try some unorthodox grips after you've mastered the basic grips. Sometimes, you may find an unorthodox grip more comfortable than a normal one. Unorthodox grips may include making a fist around the handle, double handed grip, etc.

Grip of the Handle

This 'Grip' refers to the padding on the handle. The right thickness of the padding ensures that you get the right hold on the handle.
The best way to check the thickness of the grip and make sure that it is right for you, is to curl your fingers around the handle. If your fingers press into your palm, then the grip thickness is small, and you could add another layer of padding to the handle.
If the fingers and thumb don't even overlap, then the grip is too thick and you may be more comfortable removing a layer.
The ideal thickness is when your fingers and thumb are comfortably overlapping each other. Grips come with a variety of features, and you can choose whichever suits your needs best. There are many popular brands which manufacture grips for racquets, so you have a choice.
Adapting to a particular style of playing any sport is easy enough. Which is precisely why you should get the right techniques at the onset, so that you save yourself the trouble of changing your habits later on. The right techniques can take your game to a whole new level, and give you much more satisfaction. Enjoy your sport!