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How to Clean Soccer Cleats

Rujuta Borkar
Learning how to clean soccer cleats is perhaps the most important factor in maintaining them and increasing their life efficiency. In the following Story, we will take you through the process of carrying through this task effectively.
When I was in middle school, I was a part of the school soccer team. One of the most awesome things I have done in my life, BTW. We used to have practices in the early morning, everyday before school and then the entire Saturday morning as well.
Have you ever played soccer in the rains? It is the most insane thing to do. But, the condition of the soccer cleats after they've had a running on a muddy wet field, splashing and clomping about, is not something that most are prepared for. They'll look bad, no doubt and obviously the cleats need to be cleaned.
Even when there is no muddy running through a wet field, there is still a need to clean the soccer cleats well. Why? Because that will allow for extending the life of the cleats and have you use the shoes that you've become comfortable in for a longer time.
We know how tough it is to get a good pair of cleats that do your bidding well, so why would you want to give up on the shoes? That's why learning the correct technique of cleaning soccer cleats well enough is what matters and should be taken up urgently. In this article, we will tell you exactly how to get that done well enough. Ready?

How to Clean Soccer Shoes?

If you observe the design of the cleats carefully, you'll see that there are a whole lot of grooves and spikes at the soles and these have to be cleaned carefully. Along with that, the main body of the cleats has to be cleaned thoroughly as well.
Cleaning soccer cleats is not a tough task, but it needs to be done without fail. How to clean soccer cleats in the right way? Coming right up.

Step # 1 - Get that Grime Off

The first thing that needs to be done is to clean off the dirt that has accumulated over the cleats. Knock the shoes sole to sole and the grass spikes, dirt and mud will be gotten rid of.
When the initial dirt is off, use your hands or a dry cloth or even a toothbrush and get the mud stuck in the grooves or the spikes off. Another way in which you can do this is to wet some newspapers and use these to clean the mud off.

Step # 2 - Cleaning with Detergent

So, you got the loose mud off and even got to the stubborn mud stuck in grooves, but do the cleats look sparkling clean? Not yet. To get that mud off, you'll need to clean them with detergent water. First, mix some mild detergent in water and mix well.
Next, take a rough cloth and dip it in this mixture and use it to clean the shoes from every angle. Make sure that you drain the water off the cloth before using it on the shoes. This is one tip you need to remember when learning how to clean leather shoes.

Step # 3 - Clear Water and Newspapers

Now that the mud is completely off, all you need to do is give it a final run down with water so that the layer of soap is completely cleaned as well. Take a second piece of cloth and wipe the shoes on all sides with the clear water.
Some people even learn how to wash soccer cleats and run them under water for a thorough clean up. After this has been done, roll some newspapers and stuff them in the cleats so that the excess water from the inside is soaked out.

Step # 4 - Drying the Cleats

Of the varied ways to clean soccer cleats, this one is an important step as well. The newspapers will draw out the excess water, but there is a need to dry them thoroughly or else you run the risk of ruining them with humidity.
Leave them to dry in a cool dry place where there is a lot of wind running through. Make sure that you do not store them in direct sunlight or else the leather can crack.

Step # 5 - Polishing the Shoes

If you feel that the shine and luster of the leather has been lost, then you can use a good quality leather oil to polish the shoes and restore the shine. This will help to add moisture to the dry leather and allow for it to last longer.

Step # 6 - Storing the Cleats

It is equally important that you know how to store the cleats and not just learn how to clean them. Preferably store them in a bag that is spacious enough for the cleats to breathe in. Make sure that the cleats are dry before storing them.
These are the different steps used while cleaning the soccer cleats and each of them is just as important. Do not ignore any of these steps and you'll be directly increasing the longevity of your cleats. Sounds good?