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5 Tips for Whitewater Paddle Boarding

Joe Parker
Paddle boarding, to most people, is for recreational purposes. In actuality, it can be pretty challenging and exciting. For example, if you take paddle boarding on whitewater, you will have a totally different opinion about the sport.

Observe the Surroundings

After falling, which is very possible to happen, check your surroundings for potential dangers and options. See if you can make it to the shore.
Check for exposed rocks and rapids nearby. Figure out a way to get back to your board without putting yourself in danger.

Keep Your Feet Up

One thing you should know to keep yourself safe is to keep your feet up when you fall into the water. This will prevent your feet from being entrapped in the river.
Also, remember to keep your head toward the rapid feet first when you fall off the board and floating. That way you will be able to see what's coming your way and avoid potential dangers.

Pull Your Paddle Board Back to You

Once you get away from any obstacles, the first thing you would want to do is get back on your paddle board as soon as possible. Here's how you can do it: grab your leash and use it to pull the board to yourself as quickly as you can.
If your board is flipped over by the water, get to the center of the board and flip the deck over.

Get Back on Your Board

When your board is ready, grab the handle in the center of the board and kick with both your legs to get back on the board.

Other Tips

When you fall off the board, don't let go of your paddle. Try holding it if possible or else you might end up swimming for a long time to retrieve the paddle. Also, to avoid falling off the board, don't stand up when paddling on rapid whitewater.
It's okay to kneel to keep your balance. Also, a leash could be useful so make sure your SUP board has one.